Simcell® technology

What is the SimCell® platform?

SimCells® are genome-free, non-replicating bacterial chassis produced by expressing a homing endonuclease within host cells, which enzymatically cleaves multiple restriction sites within the genome. This process completely halts cell division while preserving other key cellular features, making SimCells® useful for in vivo and in vitro applications that would be impossible with dividing cells.

Manufacturing is a core competency at Oxford SimCell Ltd. Our production workflows let us provide pure, high-quality SimCells® engineered for broad applications across the healthcare sector.

SimCell® technology was developed at the University of Oxford [1] and is exclusively licensed to Oxford SimCell Ltd.


Biosafety & Biocontainment

Chemical and irradiative bacterial inactivation technologies can be damaging to the cell. SimCells® are completely replication-deficient and remain undamaged by our enzymatic genome-removal process, making them both safe and efficacious for use in situations where biocontainment is key

Streamlined & Stable

Once converted from the parent bacteria, SimCells® are immune to recombination or loss of function mutations, remaining for a time in their pre-induction cellular state. This stable, streamlined, bacterial chassis represents a new tool for synthetic biology applications. The complexity and capability of a whole cell, in a simplified form.

Please contact us to learn more about the science behind our SimCell® technology platform